======================================================================== Kerberos Manager Bug List ======================================================================== Current version: 2.0fc3 Date: February 1, 2005 Authors: smcguire@mit.edu, lxs@mit.edu ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Bug # Bug description Fixed in ======================================================================== [RT 2905] Kerberos.app: Memory leak in stringValueForLifetimeColumn methods 2.0fc3 [RT 2901] Kerberos.app uses freed Credential object on Ticket Renewal (crash) 2.0fc3 [RT 2907] Lifetime displays can display 60 minutes when not displaying seconds 2.0fc3 [RT 2800] Use Apple System Logger and set debugging at runtime 2.0fc2 [RT 2788] alert sheets returning void should not run modal 2.0fc1 [RT 2789] Kerberos.app should use an NSToolbar 2.0fc1 [RT 2792] Ticket List window size and position handling busted 2.0fc1 [RT 2747] kerberos.app doesn't always show window on reactivate 2.0b7 [RT 2764] Realms editor should be able to set default realm 2.0b7 [RT 2765] kinit should not loop forever getting password 2.0b7 [RT 2766] realms editor should be able to save as administrator 2.0b7 [RT 2767] Kerberos.app: remove '>' chars in prefs dialog in min/max time vals tab 2.0b7 [RT 2570] Kerberos.app needs a realms editor 2.0b6 [RT 2716] Kerberos.app needs applescript support again 2.0b6 [RT 2744] Kerberos.app preferences and realms editor should remember positions 2.0b6 [RT 2745] Kerberos.app needs a shiny Mac OS X like icon 2.0b6 [RT 2746] Kerberos.app shouldn't front list window when activating if it's already visible 2.0b6 [RT 2695] Cosmetic glitches w/dock icon & window title when deleting last ticket 2.0b5 [RT 2697] Ticket list popup menu doesn't select default cache 2.0b5 [RT 2679] Kerberos.app crashes while waking from sleep 2.0b4 [RT 2663] KerberosApp should update renewal time when waking from sleep 2.0b3 [RT 2571] Kerberos.app ticket list window should display when app fronts 2.0b2 [RT 2565] Update Kerberos.app to use nib files 2.0b1 [BZ 416] Option-click on close box should close all ticket 1.5 info windows [BZ 451] Proper positioning of Preferences and Quit menu 1.5d4 items in X [BZ 450] Resizing window in Aqua causes drawing artifacts 1.5d3 [BZ 445] Quits when trying to read prefs from file w/out 1.5d2 resource fork [BZ 435] Crash when exiting Edit Realms dialog brought up in 1.5d2 Prefs dialog [BZ 69] Double-click on a principal doesn't leave it 1.2d1 selected [BZ 56] Replace check for krb5.ini with KrbPreferencesLib 1.1fc1 call [BZ 116] Default username preference not implemented 1.1fc1 [BZ 218] CCache changes cause ticket list to lose 1.2d1 collapsed/expanded state [Ideas/ramblings not necessarily implying any future plans] * Do we need to go back to using DebuggingLib? * Remove LHierarchichyTable RemoveAllRows() override? * Rename CTextColumnColorized? * Why doesn't UpdateCollapsedWindowDockTile() work all the time? * Remove FREF, BNDL resources from Mach-O version? * Clean up 32 x 32 icon (less critical now that we've gone back to original icon on OS 9) * Make sure things are using "small system font" as appropriate? (Doesn't seem to help the Japanese display issue...) * why are we rolling our own CTextColumnColorized::DropInTrash as opposed to using LDragTask? * Dragging a realm to the Trash does nothing (hence why are we wasting time supporting that?) [Really old to-do items] OPERATIONAL COMMENTS -------------------- * Have KM quit after it's been launched by an AE to login, and the login is finished? * Provide option to get tickets w/out IP addresses (if you're on DCHP for instance) to avoid problems with changing IP addresses - basically provide an interface for setting noaddresses = true. * Should KM be reading and using default ticket options set in krb5conf? CODE COMMENTS ------------- * CTicketMgrApp::LaunchDateTime() - we return error codes but does anything actually ever look at them? * Should we be launching the D&T control panel using OpenApplication() instead of AE (see Ticket Keeper launching code)? * It's possible that we should check the time separator for our time displays, because for some languages it may not be a colon. BUGS WE LIKELY CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT -------------------------------------- * The last 0 if your ticket lifetime is 10:00 and your system font is Textile is getting clipped. We have plenty of room in the text field, so this may be a PP right-justify bug (or OS bug). * If you change system fonts in the Appearance dialog, a few text items in the main and login windows don't pick up the change (the ones that are right-justified and the active edit field). This is apparently a PP bug. * Windows don't make the Appearance sounds when they're moved. This appears to be a PowerPlant bug.